• นักลงทุนสัมพันธ์
    Airtac International Group
  • ค้นหาผลิตภัณฑ์
  • Consolidated revenue for December 2012
  • Source: Submit Time:2013-01-10 Click Throughs: 441 Times
  • A A A
  • Due to customers’ annual inventory physical counting, shipping dates to customers were postponed. Consolidated revenue for Dec. 2012 was RMB94,308 thousand dollars, a 11% increased compared to the same period last year. Consolidated revenue in the fourth quarter of 2012 was RMB294,809 thousand dollars, a 13% increased compared to the same period last year. Consolidated revenue for 2012 was RMB1,215,274 thousand dollars, a 4% increased compared to the same period last year.